Angela recently sat down with Babbie Mason of Babbie’s House - WATC 57 in Atlanta, Georgia. During the interview, Angela sheds light on her organization and its mission of promoting awareness, prevention, healing resources to combat child sexual abuse and her new book, Loving Me After Abuse.
Angela recently sat down with World C Commerce TV - WCC.TV. During the interview, Angela sheds light on her organization and its mission of promoting awareness, prevention, healing resources to combat child sexual abuse and her new book, Loving Me After Abuse.
Angela recently sat down with Atlanta Live - WATC 57 in Atlanta, Georgia. During the interview, Angela sheds light on her organization and its mission of promoting awareness, prevention, healing resources to combat child sexual abuse and her new book, Loving Me After Abuse.
Angela joined host, Michaela Nikolaenko, on the Raised & Redeemed Postcast. During th conversation, Angela discusses the steps to take when a child discloses abuse, her personal journey towards recovery following experiences of sexual abuse and suicide attempt, signs that may indicate someone has been a victim of sexual abuse, and recommended books for parents, children, and individuals on a path to healing from such trauma.
Angela recently sat down with Dr. Trudy, the host of The Christian View on TheChristianView.tv. During the interview, Angela sheds light on her organization and its mission of promoting awareness, prevention, healing resources to combat child sexual abuse and her new book, Loving Me After Abuse.
Angela speaks with Deborah Asbury, the host of Kingdom One Live on WATC 57 in Atlanta, Georgia. During the interview, Angela sheds light on her organization and its mission of promoting awareness, prevention, and healing resources to combat child sexual abuse.
Interviewed by Daytime host, Cyndi Edwards, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on HLN’s Raising America, Angela addresses the issues of child sexual abuse and the solutions of prevention and healing.
Interviewed by In Session host, Christi Paul, Angela answers the tough questions surrounding the issues of child sexual abuse.
April is Child Abuse Awareness month. Show your support by wearing WHITE on Sunday, April 30.
Interviewed by The 700 Club host, Terry Meeuwsen, Angela discusses her book, From Sorrows To Sapphires, which educates adults on preventing child sexual abuse and helping survivors heal.
Angela Williams discusses the trauma a victim of child sexual abuse faces and how we can protect our children.
Angela Williams is the founder of Angela’s Voice and has dedicated her life to breaking the silence and cycle of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention and healing.
Angela’s Voice Show is breaking the silence and cycle of child sexual abuse by exposing the real truth about child sexual abuse, exploitation and giving survivors a platform to share their tragic stories and their long journey to healing.
Interviewed by ABC WSB 2 in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses 2018 Updated House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by ABC WSB 2 in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens Investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by NBC WAFF 48 in Huntsville, Alabama, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by NBC WSAV 3 in Savannah, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by This Morning host, Elizabeth Alvarez, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by ABC WTVN 9 in Columbus, Georgia, Angela discusses April Child Abuse Awareness Month and her organization of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by CBS WGCL 46 in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by CBS WTOC 11 in Savannah, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by ABC WSB 2 in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens Investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by NBC WSAV 3 in Savannah, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.
Interviewed by NBC WSAV 3 in Savannah, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act in relation to the Stanley case.
Interviewed by UGA Game Day on ABC WSB 2 in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and the 3rd Annual Legacy Ball with hosts, Vince and Barbara Dooley.
Interviewed by FOX WFXG 54 in Augusta, Georgia, Angela discusses the Best Picture, Oscar-winning film, Spotlight.
Interviewed by CW WJXT 4 in Jacksonville, Florida, Angela discusses the Jerry Sandusky / Penn State child sexual abuse scandal.
Interviewed by WTLV 12 anchor, Heather Crawford in Jacksonville, Florida, Angela discusses the 40,000 registered sex offenders in the state of Florida. Her organization is breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WSNS 5 anchor, Anthony Ponce,in Chicago, Illinois, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by CBS KLAS 8 in Las Vegas, Nevada, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by CBS WGCL 46 in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by FOX KASA 2 in Alburquerque, New Mexico, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WAFF 48 anchor, Elizabeth Gentle, in Huntsville, Alabama, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by Good Day New Mexico host, Casey Messer, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WAAY 31 host, Meredith Wood, in Huntsville, Alabama, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by KVVU 5 anchor, John Dabkronich, in Las Vegas, Nevada, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by KTVK 3 Good Morning Arizona anchor, Tess Rafols, in Phoenix, Arizona, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WALB 10 anchor, Karla-Heath Sands, in Albany, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WGGS 16 - The Peggy Denny Show in Greenville, South Carolina, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by CW 69 Focus Atlanta host, Keisha Lancelin, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WTVM 9 - The Dee Armstrong Show in Columbus, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by God Answers Prayers - Part 1 host, Linda Cobb, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by God Answers Prayers - Part 2 host, Linda Cobb, in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Angela makes a public service announcent regarding the Hidden Predator Act.
Interviewed by WATC 57 Atlanta Live, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Part 1 , in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Part 2, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Angela discusses Pop Points - Power of Protection through her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources
Angela discusses the end of child sexual abuse in this Time To Act promo.
Interviewed by WATC 57 Atlanta Live, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by Prevent Child Abuse Habersham president, Jennifer Stein, in Clarkesville, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WPCH Peachtree TV, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed by WGGS 16 Dove Broadcasting, in Greenville, South Carolina, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Spectrumt by hosts, Ruth & Brenton Franks, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Spanish Edition, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Farsi Edition, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Russian Edition, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Angela in Bulgaria, located in Eastern Europe, working on the Save Innocence Worldwide Campaign to education adults and children on prevention, protection and healing from child sexual abuse, child commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Interviewed on the AIB Network, in Atlanta, Georgia Angela discusses child trafficking in Atlanta.
Interviewed by AIB Nework - At The Table host, Audrey Galex, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Featured in documentary, Illuminating Silence, produced by James Buffin in Canada. Angela gives survivors of child sexual abuse a platform to speak, share, and heal.
Interviewed by AIB Network, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Keynote Speaker at the Global Health & Humanitarian Summit, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Speaking to the congregation of Harlem United Methodist Church in Augusta, Georgia, Angela delivers a message on the issue of child sexual abuse awareness, prevention and healing, while sharing her own story of 14 years of child sexual abuse.
Speaking at Take Back the Night at the University of Georgia in Athens, Georgia, Angela educates the students about child sexual abuse, followed by a vigil on the UGA campus.
Angela launches Innocence Saved Worldwide, in partnership with Cornett Ministries in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe.
Keynote Speaker at the Global Humanitarian Summit at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Speaking on the End Sexual Violence In Conflict Panel at The Carter Center - Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Speaking on the House Bill 17 - Emory Panel Discussion - Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.