Angela recently sat down with World C Commerce TV - WCC.TV. During the interview, Angela sheds light on her organization and its mission of promoting awareness, prevention, healing resources to combat child sexual abuse and her new book, Loving Me After Abuse.
Angela joined host, Michaela Nikolaenko, on the Raised & Redeemed Postcast. During th conversation, Angela discusses the steps to take when a child discloses abuse, her personal journey towards recovery following experiences of sexual abuse and suicide attempt, signs that may indicate someone has been a victim of sexual abuse, and recommended books for parents, children, and individuals on a path to healing from such trauma.
Angela launches Innocence Saved Worldwide, in partnership with Cornett Ministries in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe.
Keynote Speaker at the Global Health & Humanitarian Summit, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Featured in documentary, Illuminating Silence, produced by James Buffin in Canada. Angela gives survivors of child sexual abuse a platform to speak, share, and heal.
Angela in Bulgaria, located in Eastern Europe, working on the Save Innocence Worldwide Campaign to education adults and children on prevention, protection and healing from child sexual abuse, child commercial sexual exploitation and trafficking.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Russian Edition, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Farsi Edition, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Interviewed on Pure Passion TV - Spanish Edition, in Atlanta, Georgia, Angela discusses her organization and its mission of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse through awareness, prevention, healing programs and resources.
Angela discusses the end of child sexual abuse in this Time To Act promo.