Angela Williams is a renowned authority on child sexual abuse, captivating audiences worldwide with her personal history, motivating message, and relentless dedication to safeguarding future generations. Angela's Voice, the movement she launched to put an end to child sexual abuse and exploitation, provides advocacy, prevention, awareness, and healing resources. Holding a Master's degree in Forensic Psychology and an Ordained Minister, she has authored several books on the topic, including her personal memoir, From Sorrows to Sapphires, and the upcoming release, Loving Me After Abuse. As a child sexual abuse survivor of 14 years, Angela's passion lies in preserving the innocence of children and unifying with other survivors to amplify their voices. She is the recipient of several prestigious awards, including the 2007 Hearing Children's Voices Award, 2011 Woman of Influence Award, 2013 Honorary Unsung Heroine Award, and 2014 Ruby Soroptimist Award. Her seminar topics below are important, compelling and help educate people with the trauma of child sexual abuse.
Angela's Voice
Angela Williams narrates her experience of being a victim of child sexual abuse for 14 years and her fight to eliminate child sexual exploitation and abuse by means of her non-profit organization, Angela's Voice.
Dream Big
Angela reveals effective tips on how to envision grand aspirations and disregard the negative self-talk and pessimistic opinions of individuals around you. Trust that if the Almighty has ordained your ambition, He will guide you towards it till the end.
The Legacy of Trauma
One's DNA can be affected by a trauma gene, and it's important to understand how the brain copes with trauma and ways to find recovery.
Discovering how to breathe anew in the aftermath of trauma is a crucial part of Angela's journey. She has bravely spoken about her struggles with a damaging mindset that always expected the worst, and has now learned to embrace a more positive outlook, trusting in God's plan rather than relying solely on humankind.
The Voice Movement
As a crusader for The Voice Movement, Angela is passionate about fulfilling her dream of putting an end to child sexual abuse at the grassroots level. By participating in this movement, you can learn about the necessary social reforms and changes that need to be made, and how you can become a powerful force in spreading awareness, preventing child sexual abuse, and promoting healing. Join The Voice Movement today and help protect vulnerable children.
The Wounding of Tamar
In her sermon titled, The Wounding of Tamar Angela tackles 2 Samuel 13 through a Christ-centered lens. Her message poses thought-provoking questions, urging listeners to examine their roles in the story. Are they the victim, Tamar? The abuser, Amnon? The accomplice, Jonadab? The avenger, Absolon? The denier, David? A bystander, like the servant? Or are they like Christ, ready to bring healing and forgiveness? Throughout her compelling speech, Angela emphasizes the responsibility we all have in both causing and healing emotional pain.
A Silenced Nation
One in four girls and one in six boys experience sexual abuse before turning 18, yet only one in 10 reports it. This staggering statistic leaves 42 million survivors in America who desperately need to be heard. Why do they remain voiceless? Why must they silently endure their abuse? Despite the openness of society towards other causes, why is child sexual abuse still a taboo? Educate yourself about the survivors who have been silenced for far too long.
Signs and Symptoms of Child Sexual Abuse
Description Angela uncovers the enigma surrounding indicators of child sexual abuse that frequently go unnoticed or disregarded in society. As a result, the child endures agony alone, while the abuser persists in assaulting other children. An individual abuser could have up to 117 victims. To safeguard children, it is essential to acquire the ability to forecast, preempt and intervene with bravery if sexual violence is suspected. Children rely on us for protection, and it is our responsibility to familiarize ourselves with the indications and manifestations. oes here
Preventing Child Sexual Abuse Within Youth-service Organizations
Ensuring that child sexual abuse does not occur within youth-serving organizations is an essential duty. As a mandated reporter, Angela is aware of this responsibility and the legal accountability that organizations must bear in the face of efforts to eliminate criminal and civil statutes of limitations. Safeguarding the innocence of our children is a paramount responsibility that requires both bravery and prudence.
Time to Heal
Time To Heal offers healing services to those who have suffered from childhood trauma. Angela shares her personal journey of enduring 14 years of physical, emotional, verbal, and sexual abuse, as well as abandonment from her biological father and neglect from her mother. The service delves into the root causes of our toxic and ungodly beliefs while offering compassion and healing for our deepest wounds with the help of God's Word. It then culminates in a call to the cross, and Angela travels with a sapphire cross, based on her personal promise from God in Isaiah 54:11: "Oh you storm tossed and not comforted, I will set you stones in fair colors and your foundations in sapphires." Time To Heal is a life-changing service that provides survivors with a spiritual marker and encourages reflection on their healing journey.

Book Seminars
Loving Me After Abuse
From Sorrows to Sapphires
Pathway to Healing
True Intimacy
Shattering the Shame
Unveiling Child Sexual Abuse
Tough Talk to Tender Hearts
The Grooming Mystery
Single Parenting Solutions
Courage to Speak
Gracie Finds Her Voice
Grant Gets His Shield