International, Time To Act Promo - United Kingdom - England Angela discusses the end of child sexual abuse in this Time To Act promo. Previous Pure Passion TV - Spanish Edition - Atlanta, GA You Might Also Like WAFF 48 Huntsville, AL - NBC WGGS 16 Dove Broadcasting - Greenville, SC White Out Sexual Abuse Day - CNN World C Commerce TV - WCC.TV - Inspirational Hero: Angela’s Voice CBS - WGCL 46 Atlanta, GA
International, Time To Act Promo - United Kingdom - England Angela discusses the end of child sexual abuse in this Time To Act promo. Previous Pure Passion TV - Spanish Edition - Atlanta, GA You Might Also Like WAFF 48 Huntsville, AL - NBC WGGS 16 Dove Broadcasting - Greenville, SC White Out Sexual Abuse Day - CNN World C Commerce TV - WCC.TV - Inspirational Hero: Angela’s Voice CBS - WGCL 46 Atlanta, GA