Angela Williams on WSAV 3 Savannah, GA - NBC

Interviewed by NBC WSAV 3 in Savannah, Georgia, Angela discusses House Bill 17 - Hidden Predator Act which extends the statute of limitations under the 2 year discovery rule and opens investigative records to victims.

Video Transcript

Reporter: Tomorrow's also a day many sexual abuse victims have been waiting for as they get another opportunity to confront their hidden predators. That's the day a two-year retroactive window opens for victims. That means no matter what age you are, even if your statute of limitations on your case are up and you have a preponderance of evidence, you can file a civil suit.

And if you link your injuries to your abuse, you can not only sue your abuser, but an entity like a church or a school or something that hid that potential crime.

Angela Williams: I think it's going to mean a lot of things. I think it's going to expose a lot of hidden predators in our communities that people had no idea that had perpetrated child sexual abuse. I think it's going to give survivors a lot of confidence and a lot of courage to come forward. And accountability. People want their day in court. They want justice.

Reporter: And this is important because experts say that justice is not always found in criminal courts. Less than 4% of all cases ever get prosecuted.


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